Brain Foods
Growing up, did you have those parents that come meal time said: “ Make sure you eat…… as it will help your brain function”? It was probably something that you didn't want to eat or, like most children, just did the opposite of what you were told.
Well, the truth is they weren't just saying it to annoy us. Certain types of foods can boost your memory, increase concentration, and mental performance, and they are referred to as Nootropic foods.
Right now, as you read this, your brain's processing information at a rate most struggle to comprehend. You may have some Self-doubt and uncertainty; these are conjured in your prefrontal cortex by your consciousness. It is very animalistic; this is why animals purely act on stimulus-response from the central nervous system.
Your reactions are only reptilian, so don't be so hard on yourself, stimuli from the medulla oblongata and cerebellum control your fight or flight and emotional responses, just like animals!
All rational thinking is done in the neocortex; Only humans have this part of the brain! Make a decision and stick with it. Ignore all the doubt your consciousness keeps in.
All this could be happening while you are reading this article and multitask a few other items. Welcome to our modern fragmented lives where there's not enough time in the day. Here is a list of recommended nootropic foods we eat to maximize our brain's performance. Look after your brain! You may not need to turn to pills for brainpower.

1. Caffeine
You’ve probably already experienced how a cup of coffee or tea has boosted your mental alertness. But research also suggests that caffeine may be able to improve various memory types.
A study conducted by researchers at John Hopkins University shows that caffeine enhances specific memories for at least 24 hours after it is consumed.
The research concluded that caffeine could enhance our brain's ability to consolidate long-term memories. Another study also found caffeine may be able to improve the working memory (part of the short-term memory that deals with immediate conscious and linguistic processing) of older adults.
But let’s not forget that too much caffeine can cause anxiety in some people – your sensitivity levels are personal – and you can consume too much of a good thing.
Why does coffee make me anxious while others can drink it before bed?
There's an excellent reason you can only drink one coffee a day before you get jittery, and another person can skull an espresso after dinner and still fall asleep. You have heightened caffeine sensitivity.
2. Nuts
Research from Loma Linda University Health in the US shows that nuts can help with our brainwave function, learning, cognition, and sleep.
The scientists found that some nuts like pistachios and peanuts (which are legumes but included in the study) stimulated some brain frequencies required for learning, perception, information processing, and function, more than others.
Nuts won't give you a quick fix or a sense of mental alertness in the way that, say, caffeine may, but it will boost your mental performance if you keep including them in your diet regularly.
3. Enjoy a low-GI diet and eat often
Sticking to a diet that includes small, regular low-GI meals could help to enhance your brain function, often individuals who don't eat small, frequent meals struggle to think clearly. Carbohydrates are a primary fuel source for our brains. Low GI sources give our brain a constant source of energy.
4. Eat leafy greens, avos, and eggs
Leafy greens, including spinach and kale, avocados and eggs are a great source of lutein – a nutrient, which research suggests, can help to keep you cognitively fit.
A study, published in 2017, found that middle-aged participants with higher levels of lutein attained through diet had neural responses that were more on par with younger individuals than with their peers.
5. Berries
Berries are one of the richest sources of antioxidants around and have excellent anti-inflammation properties, which can help reduce inflammation in our brain.
We are supposed to have two serves of fruit a day. One punnet of strawberries is considered a serve. So I’d recommend having a punnet of berries three-to-four times a week, as part of your regular fruit intake.
6. Water
When we are dehydrated, we are more likely not to be able to think clearly.
It's recommended that you drink around two liters of water a day, but how much you need may also vary on your weight and level of physical activity.
7. Oily Fish
Long-chain omega 3s in oily fish may improve learning and memory, and reduce inflammation in the brain.
[Long chain omega 3s] is essential for the functioning of adult brains and the brains of babies as they are developing in the womb during pregnancy.
There is also a fair bit of research around the benefits of omega 3 for brain function, linking it to a decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease, depression, and other mental health conditions.
Daily Tips
• Get 8 hrs sleep.
• Go for a 20min walk in the sun every morning.
• Read an hour every day.
• Turn off all blue lighting and ultraviolet rays at sunset.
And Watch 99% of your problems disappear.
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